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Two Bases Established for Better Opportunities in Xiamen

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2022-07-14 09:44:14 | Author: LUO Lei

The night view of Xiamen. (PHOTO:VCG)

By LUO Lei

June 24 saw the formal launch of "Entrepreneurship and Employment Base for International Students" and "Start -up Incubator & Internship Base for Overseas-Students" in Xiamen, Fujian province.

The two bases, built jointly by the Xiamen Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and other departments, aim to attract more international talent to work and launch businesses in this city, assisting Xiamen in becoming a world-class center of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Daniel,  a British international student, currently enrolled at Xiamen University, said, "Start-up Incubator & Internship Base for Oversea -Students offers us an excellent learning opportunity."

This year, with the assistance of the base, he interned at Xiamen Paoyou Network Technology Company, as a script writer. "I enjoy writing stories and am familiar with British culture. I hope to make the most of the situation," he said.

The construction of these two bases represents a major advance in the city's efforts to serve international talent. In order to improve services for those interested in working in Xiamen, cultural experience activities, professional training for entrepreneurship and other activities will be organized following the completion of the base.

According to university officials, international students are very interested in internship and employment opportunities. The establishment of internship bases creates a bridge between students and businesses, allowing students to better comprehend and integrate themselves into the local economy.

In order to further promote the construction of the base, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology recently revised and promulgated new measures to support entrepreneurship of overseas students. The target of support will be extended to foreign individuals who have obtained bachelor degrees or above in Chinese universities. The eligible foreign individual will be given 200,000 RMB to 500,000 RMB of start-up funding in stages.

Since its establishment at the end of 2019, Xiamen Service Center for Foreign Professionals has provided real-time online consultation services for foreign professionals to live, innovate and start businesses in Xiamen. At the same time, the center also offers employment counseling, a cultural salon and other activities. In addition it promoted the establishment of the country's first volunteer service team for foreign science and technology commissioners.

Editor: 毕炜梓

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