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Hand in Hand, to Build a Shared Future

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2023-03-23 10:33:22 | Author: Science and Technology Daily


By QI Liming

The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind was first put forward to the world byChinese President Xi Jinpingon March 23, 2013, while delivering a speech in Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Over the past decade, the vision has responded to the common aspiration for peace, development and cooperation of people from all over the world, pointing out the fundamental path and direction for solving a global crisis.

To better maintain regional stability, promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and realize common development and prosperity, China has proposed and promoted the establishment of 10 regional communities with a shared future, including communities with a shared future of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China-Africa, China-Arab, and China-Pacific Island countries.

In addition, China is willing to build a bilateral community with a shared future with other countries, and has signed action plans with Laos and Cambodia.

High-quality Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an important platform for China to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. By March 2023, 151 countries and 32 international organizations had signed more than 200 cooperation documents on the building of BRI with China.

The vision includes shared security and common development, mutual learning among civilizations and cultural integration, and humans and nature coexisting in harmony. The key to building the community is "sharing."

First of all, we share a common destiny. Mankind is an indivisible community with a shared future. At present, a variety of complex global challenges are on the rise, which require countries to work together to address them.

Secondly, we share a common future and jointly create a better future for mankind. In recent years, the vision has injected critical positive energy into the international community, shining with the bright light of truth and exhibiting the growing consensus of people all over the world, which guides the direction of the era.

The genuine multilateralism is desperately needed to build a community with a shared future for mankind as well. Multilateralism is the core concept of the current international system, the cornerstone of the existing international order, and an effective way for all countries to maintain peace and promote development.

Since global governance goes hand in hand with global issues, building a community with a shared future for mankind also needs to advance the reform and construction of the global governance system.

Though the road ahead is arduous, we can achieve our goals with constant efforts. To achieve the vision needs to take action and to build a new type of international relations based on the principle of sovereign equality.

Editor: 王晓夏

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