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Toward a Chinese Eco-civilized Era:Building a Shared Future

Source: Science and Technology Daily| 2021-12-30 10:35:46| Author: Rami Khalil


Professor Rami Khalil. (COURTESY PHOTO)

By Rami Khalil

    After hundreds of years of the industrial revolution and rapid technological development, humanity has reached a moment of crisis in its relationship with nature.

    Since I came to China in 2012, I have  witnessed  the  rapid  growth  of China's economy, and how it increasingly focused on addressing environmental challenges. What amazed me, as a researcher and environmental expert, was the great harmony between the pace of development and the environmental protection and conservation which is rooted in traditional Chinese culture, and which takes humans as an integral part of nature itself, where all beings are equal.

    Eco-civilization is best understood as sociotechnical imaginary, in which cultural and moral virtues constitute key components that are inseparable from the more well-known technological, judicial, and political goals. Building an ecological civilization was proposed by the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, as an innovative way to reconcile economic development and environmental protection. Since 2012, President Xi Jinping has consistently championed its adoption and maturation, describing it as "vital for sustaining the development of the Chinese Nation." The Environmental Civilization has become the general national development strategy and cornerstone of the New Era to sustainable development.

    The Chinese government keeps the eco-civilization at the core of all its decisions, using Chinese characteristics to steer China toward the fully eco-civilized destination. The eco-civilization is increasingly presented not only as a response to environmental degradation in China, but as a vision for humanity's global future.

    China is among the world's most ecologically diverse countries, with one of the planet's highest concentrations of biodiversity. At a time when the world is struggling to find ways to reverse the trend of biodiversity loss, China has provided a solution: the harmonious co-existence between humankind and nature. China has taken many concrete steps on the environmental front, underpinned by  the  Eco-civilization  philosophy.  China initiated an "Ecological RedLine" mechanism, which has given environmental-protection status to no less than 25 percent of its land mass.

    China's proposal of drawing a "red line" for ecological protection to mitigate and adapt to climate change has been selected by the UN as one of the 15 best nature-based solutions around the world. In addition, China will invest 1.5 billion RMB in a new fund to support biodiversity protection in developing countries worldwide.

    The country's global green leadership governs the process of transition to an environment friendly development with the following goals:

    1. Environment: Environment sensitive and ecological limitation sensitive economy

    2. Social: Spiritual and need based development

    3. Political: Inclusive, corruption free, moral based and people centered

    4. Economy: Prosperity led growth and development

    5. Culture: Community, thrift, no waste and care

    6. Sharing: Shared destiny, shared future, shared prosperity

    Eco-civilization is the KEY to build a beautiful China and achieve the China Dream. The goal of better environment and living cannot be achieved without the active and meaningful participation of society.

    The clear vision put forward by President Xi has influenced me and the other environmentalists across the world. We do believe the Eco-civilization is the present's power and future's advantage. It is the right moment to move in the sense of recognizing that we are part of nature.

    The world will be grateful to China, not only for the dozens of inventions over the last five thousand years, or providing the world with food and technology, and helping the world during the COVID-19, but also for saving the planet.

    Professor Khalil is a professor in Sichuan International Studies University.


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