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A Green March: Henan's Ecology Success Story

Source: | 2023-12-08 13:04:44 | Author:

By LIN Yuchen & WANG Xiaolong

Henan’s commitment to a greener urbanenvironment has been evidenced by multiple initiatives that feature bothenvironmental protections and economical benefits. The inland Chinese provinceat the center of its capital city Zhengzhou now lives 55 mute swans. Otherecological protection endeavours in progress within the province arealleviating extreme climate conditions and poverty for its suburb cities whilebuilding up foundations for their future economical harvests.

Located in the northeast areas ofZhengzhou, Zhengzhou Longhu Park, with a total area equivalent to the size of23 soccer fields, is currently the largest artificial wetland in Zhengzhou withnatural water ecosystem protection and restoration functions. This area wasonce a barren wasteland but in merely ten years transformed into an inhabitantof nearly 150 species of wildlife such as mute swans, egrets, ducks, andmandarin ducks.

Two mute swans rest along a stream in the Longhu Park. (Photo taken by LIN Yuchen/S&T Daily)

“As demanding as mute swans have been inchoosing their habitats, the Longhu Park has been meticulously protected,” saidLu Bing, volunteer of an association for bird protection in Zhengzhou, addingthat “the local authorities have established an ecological conservation modelinvolving both the government and volunteers. Regular real-time monitoring ofwater and air quality in the park is conducted. Portable noise monitoringdevices are also used to periodically assess noise levels around the park.”

“The Zhengzhou Municipal Governmentcollaborated with local animal protection experts to selectively plantvegetation suitable for the consumption of mute swans in the park. This notonly provides a scenic attraction for visitors, beautifying the naturalenvironment but also ensures ample habitat for swans to thrive," said Lu.

Another highlight of Henan’s environment protectionsrefers to a nation-level wetland park in Yuzhou county, Xuchang city, whichshowcases an innovative model of treating polluted water.

A management personnel of the wetland said wetlandsconstructed adjacent to a sewage plant can naturally purify wastewater.

The wetland's microbial community helpsremove pollutants from wastewater by catalyzing chemical reactions,biodegradation and biosorption. They also support vegetation growth. The water passesthrough the surface flow wetland and its quality is further improved. It isthen discharged into the nearby river, meeting discharge standards.

The wetland system also serves as a greenlung and sight for sore eyes for the nearby residents. “The plants remain greenthroughout the year except in winter, and people enjoy bringing their families hereto see the beautiful scenery,” a passerby told Science & TechnologyDaily’s reporters.

Both the Zhengzhou Longhu Park and the Yuzhouwetland park exemplify the vision of providing a healthy living environment forthe local people. What is more important, however, can be an integrated modelthat utilizes a clean environment to boost economy.

In the Sunzhuang Village that locates closeto the Yellow River in Zhengzhou, for instance, there have been several roundsof seed technology expos held and such a pattern has lasted for many years.

The latest exhibition that was held at theend of October this year showcased over 6500 new vegetable varieties to thepublic. Participants in this exhibition included top breeding teams from 31provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country, as wellas from the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions. International and foreign-fundedenterprises such as Syngenta, Nunhems, Rijk Zwaan, Enza, and Hazera was also present.

"The seed expo provides a platform fordisplaying newly developed vegetable varieties. In the future, we will strengthencooperation with research institutes and enterprises, promote new and superiorvarieties, and contribute to rural revitalization," said Jiang Junping,director of the seed-tech expo held in Zhengzhou.


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